It would be incredibly handy to be able to hide a card on a dashboard page (I know you can edit visibility) but just a simple hide button would be very useful when editing in case you want to refer to a card or disable for now and then come back to it and this should be a simple toggle or option on the card menu as the functionality already exists somewhere.
I think that the workaround is to use an input boolean + visibility for that purpose.
On top of it, you could also use it as a “declutter” feature if you allow to toggle this input-boolean from the dashboard in live view.
My related (but not duplicate) WTF was marked as duplicate, so want to link it.
I want to be able to hide an entity too with a simple flag, not just a card!
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Entities can already be hidden.
The rest is a duplicate.
If you want it completely gone from the system temporarily, enabled above that does that.
Making it invisible did not remove it from a card that included it. Maybe it just works on auto populated dashboards, which I do not use.
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