WTH Access Inputs in Blueprints Read (and probably write)?

Similar to WTH Helper creation in Blueprints, but the other Way around: Instead of creating Helpers via Blueprints, i think it would be really helpful to access Blueprint Inputs via Templates from outside, e.g. any other Automation, on Dashboard etc…

The Inputs made could be e.g. set as Attributes of the Automation.
That would open the Possibilty to make preconfigured Cards for any Blueprint, as any !input, not only User configured Values, but referenced entities, could be templated using the Attribute.

If there would be an Service Call as well, of course it would be even smoother and open up more possibilities.

Edit: Clarification about accessibility

You can already do this.


  my_input: !my_input
    {% if my_input ... %}
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My Fault, i was too unclear.
Edited for clarification.
I mean accessible from outside the Blueprint, so you can see from outside what its set to.

So e.g. when using a Blueprint for Climate Control, you can set up a card, that shows all settings made.

Devs could then even deliver a premade Card Configuration.