WTH - Allow choices for units. Why are my System Monitor CPU temperature are in degrees F?

Yes, we in the US use strange units of measurement. But for some few things we use metric. We have two liter bottles of soda. Computer temperatures are always quoted in degrees celsius. But System Monitor displays CPU temperature in the system default units.

There was a thread in the 2020 month of WTH requesting (even wider) flexibility for units.

Click on your system monitor temperature entity. In the pop-up card click on the cog icon top right.

There you will see you can change the temperature units to °C, °F or K.

I was displaying the processor temperature in a statistics graph card, and it was displaying in F. In that card there seems to be no way to change the temperature units.

After bringing up the entity card I saw the option to change the units. After adding that card, the statistics graph card changed to C.

WTH - Are there other cases where you can’t get to entitiy options from the statistics graph card? Or did I miss that capability on that card?

None of the plotting cards have access to the more-info page.