WTH - Android back button action sometimes goes back, sometimes closes the app

The way the back button in the android app functions is not consistent when navigated to various screens from the entity screen. I never know if pressing back is going to take me back one screen or exit me out of the app completely. Here’s what I’ve been able to find in the 10 min I wrote this:

Good behavior
“Back” goes back one screen when on the entity’s:

  • entity screen
  • “show more” logbook screen
  • “show more” history screen
  • Device info screen

Bad behavior
Back goes back to the list of entities when on the entity’s:

  • stats (graph icon) screen
  • “settings” (gear icon) screen
  • “information” screen when accessed from the stat’s screen
  • “related” screen

WTH behavior
Back exits the app when:

  • on the entity screen with the 3 dot menu open (displaying Device info and Related options)
  • pressing back returned to the list of entities and you press back again (sometimes)
  • pressing back returned to the entity screen and you press back again (sometimes)

Please make the back button simply step back through the screens/cards that you just navigated through!