WTH are Air Quality / Pollen measurements not available in Australia?

NSW & Vic Air quality and pollen data appear to be freely available here:


It is obvious that increasing numbers of people are interested in this data and would love to have it available in HA, and it doesn’t seem that difficult to get it there. When I do searches on the topic many people mention it as something they’re interested in but I can’t find an actual product at the moment which is very surprising.

Have I missed something?

Why not take a crack at creating an integration? :+1:t2:

For anyone looking to have a crack. I think this is the front door:

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I’m a rank beginner at HA but even so could be tempted to start to have a go when I eventually get the time. This is obviously a high reward / low effort project that will be implemented one day soon enough.

Australia went through that huge bushfire crisis not that long ago and air quality was of huge importance then, as it was dangerous to just be outside and breathing the air. People are starting to pay more attention to this.

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Please read the rules:

“I really want this new integration to be implemented, so I can use my
devices. Is this the right place for it?”

No, this event is not for requesting new device or services integrations.
Please use the “Feature Requests” forum category instead.

Closing this topic as per the above listed by nickrout.