This is what I wanted to do in 4 steps :
- add a platform to monitor and control my modem/router from my provider (orange) : OK thanks to the
- list entities and attributes from this sensor in an entities card : OK
- add to this card, at the end of the list a CTA (call to action) to reboot my modem : OK thanks to the entity type “call-service”
- Add a confirmation text when this CTA is clicked, because it can be clicked accidently : KO
The action documentation refers to “confirmation” in order to do so :
So I tried to adapt this syntax for my “call-service” in “entities card” but unfortunately it does not seem to work in this context… WTH ?
It would be a nice feature and would avoid the need to vertically stack cards for such simple need
This is what this configuration would look like :
type: entities
title: My modem
- entity: binary_sensor.orange_livebox_wan_status
- type: call-service
icon: 'mdi:power'
name: Reboot modem
action_name: Reboot
service: mymodem.reboot
text: Are you sure you want to restart?
My 2 cents.