WTH are dropdown menus so unreliable?

Whenever I work with dropdowns I tend to type to get partial matches and then select the correct entity/device out of the now short list. This is a great feature, but very often clicking or selecting with the keyboard will not actually select and fill in the selected name, but instead will keep my partial text.

I have not found a reliable way to force this bug, but it often happens om my first try. Trying again usually fixes the issue. It is so often that, until I thought about it consciously just now, I have started to use the GUI for automations etc. less and less because it is so frustrating.

Yes, it’s really annoying. On tablet, I first have to collapse the keyboard to select a list item.


This a thousand times, I find the dropdowns on mobile very frustrating and almost unusable


FYI that sounds like this issue Combobox becomes unresponsive if searching for a non-existing entity · Issue #13336 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub


I thought I was the only one! I think I searched about this once before but didn’t really find any answers. I’ll see if I can grab a screen recording sometime.

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This might be the case but then I would have to mistype a lot (which is entirely believable), I will keep an eye out from now on if that is the case. Tbh I hope I would’ve noticed if this was the case though :smiley:

I can confirm that this is a separate issue from what sphof has reported. I’ve had numerous times where I have typed without having any spelling mistakes, clicked an entity from the dropdown list, and it doesn’t fill anything in, leaving my incomplete text.


happens to me too, i occasionally have to select the dropdown result twice because the first time it stays as switch.h instead of filling in switch.hallway_1 or whatever

We made some improvements with the 2022.10. Don’t hesitate to update and report here if the problem still exists for you or not :slightly_smiling_face:


And next to this one, entities with long names are simply truncate which makes sometimes very difficult to select the right endpoint.

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This is definitely more reliable for me in 2022.10! Thank you :raised_hands:t2:

This is still a problem on iOS - see video below. Oddly, it is harder to select from the menu if it’s filtered down to a single item. Home Assistant Drop-down Issue - YouTube

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Sadly, I can’t feel any difference.

Very annoying on iOS and iPadOS.

I still have the exact same problem in Chrome on a MacBook, and I have 2022.10. It has been like this for very long (since at least before the summer!), and it also happens even if you don’t use the filter function. Essentially forcing you to use .yaml-editor as the GUI requires you to do the same selection 3+ times until it finally works.

This has been the case since I started using HA back in 2018 and it only got marginally better. There have been multiple changes of the UI framework but this very basic thing never got fixed. I learned to be somehow able to pick stuff on iOS but it’s super annoying and involves careful swiping over an item to close the keyboard AND then tapping it. Without the swipe move, the entity does not get selected properly. Devs are ignoring this for years, they’re probably on Android.

this is happening most of the time when you start typing your text - and then correct something with backspace or.
I’ve noticed, that you need to delete your input - and start again typing… then, it should be able to select your entity again.

I think, that’s a bug - but definitely a “what the heck” moment when you want to edit something :slight_smile:

But maybe, it should be raised as an Bug ticket in Git?

Just saw, that this was already mentioned :slight_smile:

I’m waiting for almost two years for the more-info dialogue to finally work (again?). The box is cut off and I can’t select the bottom entries.

What do you mean? Can you screenshot it? For me I can eventually get it to do what I want, however painful it is.

Can’t select the media source:

The following dropdown has 30 items: