WTH aren't there collapsible sections on the sidebar menu?

I’m talking about the left sidebar menu.

With growing needs, the menu also grows and it’s getting messy.

I wish there were a way to group sets of sidebar menu items into collapsible submenus.

Really, that’s the ONLY thing I find annoying at this point.

Other than that: Awesome work with the UI, guys, I simply LOVE it.

which main menu

Elaborated a bit in the first post.

Okay, I took a closer look into what we have and I browsed the forums.
I’m most certainly not alone with this kind of request.

I found people asking for a sidebar menu tree structure, reordering the items via drag & drop, user specific menus and the likes.

The latter would probably require a major overhaul of the user / user groups / privileges management, though.

Right now, the list of sidebar menu items is alphabetically ascending, except for “Overview” at the top and “Settings” at the bottom.

The only way to change that is via personal settings, and that seems to be tied to user and device.

So what I’d love to see is the “Dashboards” dashboard turned into a menu editor, where you can define a default sidebar menu for all users:
a) rearrange items other than alphabetically
b) create submenu items and define if they should be collapsed or not by default
c) move items into those submenus

That would at least solve some people’s problems, including mine.
Decluttering: check.

The other already existing mechanics like the “admin only” flag and user/device tied custom rearranging should still work…

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