WTH Auto Reconfigure...why doesnt an integration try to auto reconfigure when it becomes available again

I have a machine with proxmox on it, I turn it off at night. when I turn it back on it wants me to click on reconfigure when it is found again. why doesnt it just try once to auto reconfigure. if that fails it could be another problem.

Thank you

Probably a way to automate this somehow. just havent figured it out yet… :laughing:

Depends on which integration you are talking about. Most do try again. However they stop trying after a while, over night is probably too long.

EDIT: wait, are you talking about turning Home Assistant off over night?

Don’t do that. It needs to be on 24/7.

Lol no! wouldnt dream of turning HA off, it is our life support :smiley:
Just an computer running proxmox that I use for some processing and AI.
I wake on lan and then it finds proxmox and I have to reconfigure it. yet all the credentials are correct. :slight_smile:

Using the core Proxmox integration?

It could be an issue that is resolvable, in the meantime…

The Spook integration has an integration reload feature you could automatate if you have some other way of knowing when the computer is turned on (ping, power monitoring plug, etc…)