Spook -Your homie

GitHub Repo stars GitHub tag (latest by date) HACS License

Full and extensive documentation can be found here: https://spook.boo :star_struck:

Don’t forget to star :star2: the repo.

PS: Thanks for the :star2:, Spook is, after all, your homie.



Initial feature set (v0.1.88)

  • Sensor providing a count of automation & entities
  • Services to enable/disable an integration configuration entry
  • Services to enable/disable a device
  • Services to enable/disable an entity
  • Services to hide/unhide an entity
  • A service that conveniently randomly fails



Absolutely hilarious!

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Hehe. I’m not gonna install this :wink:

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  • Crapload of useless code restructure that took time and didn’t add new features.
  • Shitload of Home Assistant-related entities added, providing you counters on stuff you have. They are live as well

CleanShot 2023-02-24 at 18 40 19

  • Got Home Assistant Cloud by Nabu Casa? :heart: This release adds some switches you can control.


This would have been a great Aprils Fools project! :rofl:


There are quite a few useless and horrible services available for you to explore and self-descruct your setup with. The developer service tools are great to get you into such a situation.

Amazing and hilarious! Exactly what I was looking for, as someone developing for HA.

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  • Some services are now flagged as β€œadmin-only” #1337
  • Add service to import Blueprints from an URL #useless
  • Add service to import/inject long-term statistics #easynoteasy
  • Add service to ignore all discovered devices & services (optionally by domain). #byebluetooth


Is this meant to be educational in some way? Such as demonstrating anti-patterns?

No, not really. It just provides extensions/services/data that are mostly useless, or would never be added to Home Assistant itself directly. For that last reason, it would mean things it does are not acceptable from the perspective of the Home Assistant project.

However, some features it provides have been long requested, denied in the past as contributions, or are simply too freaking useless to add to Home Assistant itself. That doesn’t mean they couldn’t be helpful to you.




  • Changed wording from β€œhomey” to β€œhomie”, let’s not mess with brand names :wink:
  • Add service input_select.random
  • Add service select.random
  • Add sensor entities for the number of integrations and custom integrations.


I’ve extended the readme of the custom integration to make this more clear.

Thanks for your question/response :+1:


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  • Spook is now available in HACS
  • Add service: number.increment
  • Add service: number.decrement
  • Override built-in service: input_number.increment to support the amount to increase
  • Override built-in service: input_number.decrement to support the amount to decrease
  • Add service: spook.boo


No one should use the following services should they ever be added:



Like this?


Whoa @frenck that’s an amazing PR. Thanks.

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Can it be announced in the β€œOther noteworthy changes” section of the upcoming Release Notes? It’s a useful enhancement and it’s currently only visible far down the list of β€œAll Changes”.

I haven’t read the documentation (who has time for that) or the rest of this thread, but since this is developed by @frenck, it’s fully supported by the HA core team, right? #attemptathumor

hehe #disclaimer

That said, it is using the Passive Aggressive license. So, nothing to worry about :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:




  • Add basic framework for detecting and raising Home Assistant issues
  • Add first repair detection for obsolete YAML integration configuration for integrations that no longer use YAML.

