WTH automatic order arrangement of input_select?

Hi there,

currenty I’m facing the issue, that input_selects can’t be sorted by ASC/DESC/…
So if I add a new option and want to make it again in alphabetical order I have to remove all other options and add them again in the wanted order. (If I use the helper section)

Could the input_select do this automatically? (maybe this behavour could be switched on and off in the configuration of the input_select)

Good idea. It should be manageable, just like in the entities card, for example.

Would be nice if there were move up/move down buttons (next to the trash icon) when you edit an input_select. I’m guessing nobody has such huge selects that it wouldn’t be too difficult to press up a number of times to get it how you want it


Hi all,
input_selects are now manageable. Therefore this topic is closed.