WTH - Automation dashboard needs description column

Every automation can have description: field. But it isn’t show anywhere. I think it would be great to show description at automation dashboard. Sometimes hard to remember what for need some automations. Description may help.

PS And realy need mark uneditable yaml automations opposite made by gui editor.

Yeah if it could be concatenated to the name of the automation (maybe within brackets)

Lawn Maintenance (This automation creates a schedule based on chance of precipitation and the calendar Lawn Watering)

I’m sure there’d be tons of room on the page for that.

Descriptions are shown when opening the build-in automation editor:

HA → Settings → Automation & scenes → Individual automations

like i.e.:

Oh I agree that the description is there, but I think what the OP and myself were suggesting was on the summary page to be able to see the description. From a UI perspective, constantly diving deeper and going back to the summary page is well, a somewhat tedious process when you are listing say 30 automations dealing with a particular label. But having it on HA → Settings → Automation & scenes would give that “quick glance” to differentiate between the automations quickly. I know it’s only a couple of clicks, but when you have a long list it is a significant number of clicks to find what you may be looking for. Unfortunately, we don’t always name our automations effectively over years and similar names come up frequently.

The filtering and labels have been a major help for some of us that have many devices and automations, but this would just be more helpful for presentation and digging further into the automations without having to click further and it seems that there’s room as well on the page, even on mobile.

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