Sometimes I want to adjust the website / url of a dashboard of type website. Currently I have to remove it and recreate it, since there is no way to adjust it later. Sometimes I just want see what I configured there.
Just found out how to do that now (go to the dashboard and click the pencil in the upper right corner), but WTH, expected a way to change the url at the place where I created it!
You did configure it via GUI and there you did edit it.
It’s like: if you install a software, then you want to configure it via the installer, too?
GUI is GUI, yaml is yaml.
These are the only two ways (state of my knowledge) to configure objects in HA.
So long
I configured/created dashboards via settings/dashboard in the GUI. I also expected to change the URL there. But this is not possible. Later found out this can be done, if you go to the created dashboard itself and change the URL there. Still think it should be possible to change the URL also in settings/dashboard!