WTH can I not tell easily if my device is connected to HA locally or via cloud?

There should be the ability to implement an indicator on the dashboard if it is connected to my HA server locally or via cloud (eg the Nabu Casa offering or some more complicated setup).

I’d like to have this ability at least for the mobile apps (Android and iOS). Considering the (excellent!) emphasis on privacy and transparency of the HA platform I’m surprised this is so hard to do.

See The mobile apps should indicate (via color or e.g. a tiny icon next to your home name on the dashboard) if you are connected locally or remotely

I though this already existed, but on checking the Integrations Dashboard has icons for Requires Internet :globe_with_meridians: and stuff like Custom Integration :package: but not the Devices / Entities themselves.

I guess it’s “just” a GUI change as the property can be inherited from the Integration that provides it.