WTH can i only expose to homekit as switch

Any way to expose things as buttons in homekit so if I want to use it inside homekit automation I don’t need to expose it as 3 switches for every different click?

What do you mean as buttons? Do you mean items in the switch domain? Can you provide an example?

https://9to5mac.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2018/01/elgato-eve-button-homekit.jpeg?resize=1536,721 you have an example in second screen

When you for example add Xiaomi buttons via Xiaomi gateway it’s one entity with three actions - one-click double click and hold. If I add it to home assistant it’s considered a sensor as it does not have a state. I could make a template switch or something for every possible state and expose it to homekit only as a switch. I don’t know if this is a homekit limitation but I’d like to have them exposed the same in homekit as with native app - one entity.