WTH can’t I choose which entities are stored long term?

Home Assistant’s ability to store data for the long term is useful—it’s great for tracking things like your home’s temperature history or energy usage trends.

But why is this limited to statistical entities? It would be helpful to store other types of data too, like the state of my front door contact sensor or error logs from my solar inverter. These can be just as important for troubleshooting or understanding long-term patterns.

And why can’t I easily disable long term statistics for some sensors?

A simple configuration option to select “store this entity forever” would make this feature much more flexible and accessible. It’s all about giving users more choice without needing YAML wizardry.

I opened the same topic: WTH Can not set a entity as long term statistics easily?

You can configure all sensors for LTS, see other comment

However your point below does seem valid, I have a lot of LTS and a growing db :grimacing:

Closing as a duplicate. Please vote and comment at the other linked WTH topic.

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