WTH can´t you just hit enter at the 'Search action/condition/triggers'

The search functionality for triggers, conditions and actions is a very handy and fast way of selecting the thing you are looking for. The thing I´d love to see is the ability to just hit Enter to add it to your automation/script/etc when there is only one match left.

In addition: When there are more than one matches,

  • hitting enter should select the first item
  • arrow down (without hitting the tab key twice) should allow you to walk through the filtered list.

Arrow down then enter is the current keystrokes to get the first choice.

Well not when using Firefox, you have to tab twice and then you are on the first option.

Having that said, enter would be a nice improvement.

Not sure what firefox you’re using, but the one I’m using works just fine.

Maybe it depends on the dropdown

EDIT: Yep it does, those UI controls aren’t comboboxes/dropdowns. They are some other custom element, which is why the arrow down, enter isn’t working.

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