WTH cannot view config once wyoming service added

Once you add service to wyoming it creates a name e.g. Piper which is nice but it will use the same name if you add a second service of the same type. Which makes it hard to track which one is which.

Why can’t we see the config used to create the service after it as been added. Being able to see the host name would make it much eaiser to workout what each service is pointing to after initial creation.

I realise you can rename services but it would be nice to be able to see the actual host and port. So you can be confident that you are renaming the correct service instance.

I agree, this is very annoying.
In fact, why can’t we EDIT the service?
Also, I see no way to edit which voice is used once I set a TTS with Piper.

You change the voice used in the add-on, not the Piper integration, because the system only currently allows for one voice to be available locally. And you can edit the name of each instance of the integration to reflect what is connected; I saw NetworkChuck do this in one of his videos on local voice assistants.

I don’t think that’s true, or we may not be talking about the same thing.
Whenever, in an automation, I use STT I am given a choice of voices.
I used different ones in different Actions, and they all work, with the different voices.
But there’s no way to select another one without deleting the action and making a new one.

I agree with this. I think having such thing as flow like Node-RED will help people setting Wyoming Services. There are many Wyoming services that are interchangeable. It must make viewing config much easy.