WTH Can't creating zones be easier?

Creating zones in the GUI seems like it could be improved, for example searching by address or location name (for schools, etc) or using a defined persons current location based on their tracker. Even just hitting the “+” button always defaults to somewhere around my “home” location and I have to zoom/pan and find the proper location.

That would be way more involved than you think and would always require an internet connection.

This is possible already. On the “more info” dialog for a Person, underneath the little mini map showing their current location will be a button to “Create Zone” if they’re not in an already defined zone.

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That would be way more involved than you think and would always require an internet connection.

I was mostly referring to initial configuration, and geocode(?) the address back to lat/longs. Don’t most people need internet connection when they are receiving information from trackers anyways?

I thought I remembered this but couldn’t find the option. I guess because all my Person entities are currently in zones. Would be nice to have it handy while in the zone gui as well I suppose.


Even when that button is there, it can be easy to miss because the mini-map embed causes that dialog to be tall. On certain devices you might have to scroll to see it.

I like your suggestion on adding it to Zones editor as well.