WTH can't I add a Nabu Casa server directly in the app

I have 3 instances of home assistant I manage for family scattered far apart. I recently got a new phone and had to set up my 3 servers in the app.

It’s like the app requires you to be local to the device, or expects me to go find my Nabu Casa cryptic URL and paste it in manually.

It would be sweet if I could log in with my Nabu Casa creds and have the app automatically get configured with the URL.

I don’t know how it works for iOS, but on Android you should be able to set up the internal address via IP and if it’s logged into Nabu Casa, tell it to use Home Assistant Cloud for the remote connection. That’s how I have my main instance set up.

I don’t think that will work if I’m remote from my parents network and don’t have network access.

if the app cant find your server on the local network just enter it in manually, not all networks work well with discovery.

so yes you are required to know the URL if you are setting it up remotely, its a one time thing. Otherwise you can set it up on the local network and have it pull in the data.

I’m not asking how to do it. I’m asking what the heck, why is this so complicated?

Like I want to:

  1. Open the home assistant app
  2. Log into Nabu Casa
  3. Presto!
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thats a really good suggestion!

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Adding onto the thread with a question -
I have a remote HA instance I manage thru nabucasa and (foolishly) added a new local instance as a test in the app preferences in the section "add server’ not realsing that although I can add servers nabu casa can only manage one instance - this has deleted the remote instance from my account and replaced it with the local test instance - I have the Instance ID of the remote setup (but not a URL) I want to get back to but I don’t appear to be able to edit it in the Nabu Casa account ? Can anyone help - BTW the remote instance is 4hrs drive away…
Super confused by the setup ?

Maybe solved??
Nabu Casa support replied (quite quickly - thankyou …)
"You need to sign out on the Home Assistant instance you do not want to use with the account, and back in on the one which should be using it, on the Home Assistant Cloud page of the server.
The connection is not controlled or determined by the Nabu Casa end as Nabu Casa has no idea where your server is in the world, so HA needs to be the one to reach out. "
How I read this is that I need to get access to the HA remote instance control panel to tell it to use Nabu Casa - the only way to do this is from the local network?
So this means I need to drive four hours?

  • So i switched off and packed away the HA test instance I was trying out and then deleted it from the Mac osX server preferences - then as a ‘I now need to drive 4hrs to do 5 mins work’ kinda who cares - started entering whatever logins and passwords I had into nabu casa while waiting to cook pizza,

totally unexpectedly without needing to enter the instance ID but only with the local user ID and password the remote instance appears to be back linked to the nabu casa account?!?!?

So this means that I have no idea how this is working and I cannot understand the documentation at all - ? is this expected behaviour for the app/server/cloud service?

Found myself locked out of the Companion app once again, after updating the (beta) app, and going off the local network.

In that case my remote-ui is automatically enabled, allowing me to login over the external-url (Home Assistant Cloud) when away from home.

I opened the app, only to get the URL error screen, and not being able to login. Inside the App there is no option/screen to connect directly to your Nabucasa account and c&p the url, or, even better, auto set that up after successful login check.

had to open another browser, navigate to Nabucasa.com, next https://account.nabucasa.com and login there to get the external URL.

entering that in the App still didnt allow me to login however…

long story short:

please add an in-app button to the Nabucasa login

At this time there needs to be multiple NC accounts using multiple email addresses if someone has more than one HA server and wants to use the NC Cloud service with each one. The way this works should change first, imo.

It should also still work as expected for those not using NC cloud, where you add and configure other servers by adding the URL.

The Nabu Casa URL being long, random, and difficult to enter doesn’t help. That is why I added my WTH :smile:

With simpler random auto generated URLs as a default, there should be less need to go digging for it.

upvoted that.
might be even better combining those cooler names with a direct button inside the app to check the NC settings :wink:

That’s why I bring up the multiple NC account topic, because regardless of having multiple NC accounts and servers or not, if a feature is to be added in the companion apps it should not be one that needs to again be drastically changed later.

Ideally, Nabu Casa should first have a way to add and manage multiple accounts/URLs under one email address, but still have a way to differentiate them, and then the magic button in this WTH feature request should be added in the companion apps.

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