WTH Can't I create a phone UI that is quick to use (scrolling left/right is slow on a phone)

Scrolling left/right a long way on a phone is slow - making the top tabs in the UI pretty useless. Lots of other home automation apps do this a lot better.

E.g. Hue to change lights you click a room and then have an up/down scrolling set of lights.

What I really need is my home page to be a list of rooms, then I click on and I get a list of entity types e.g. lights, climate, covers, switches. Then I click that to get an up/down scrolling list of entitites. This is much quicker than creating the rooms as tabs in the UI.

Essentially similar to the openhab UI: http://demo.openhab.org:8080/basicui/app?sitemap=demo

Have you tried using this?


In particular browser_mod.navigate?

I use this so that I can have a home page with buttons on it which navigate to the tab that I need.

Works great for me, maybe this should be a core feature?