WTH: can't I navigate easily to another user or zone

Why is there no navigation/route option available in HA?
(I don’t know if leaflet supports this)
This weekend I wanted to navigate to my wife who was somewhere in the city.
so I opened HA to check her location, but then I couldn’t simply click “navigate to”
For somehow I needed to check the map of open up another app for navigation.

It would be welcome if there is just such an option which updates the destination if the person moves.

If you click on her person instead of the map it will show her location in the more-info page, zoomed in. You can also make a map card that just shows her and it will always be centered on her.

TLDR: Go from her person, not the map. The map will always show you the zones you have configured.

Then I have the location, but still I want to have the directions.

of maybe an option to open the default navagation app(google maps/apple maps/waze) to show the directions.

Directions can only be provided by an integration that provides them, which aren’t available by default. And google for example, costs money. This is something you’ll have to add yourself, which is pretty easy to do. It still won’t draw the directions on the map because these apis don’t have that information available.

You can set up buttons with this type of yaml:

action: notify.mobile_app_andreas
  message: "command_activity"
    intent_package_name: "com.google.android.apps.maps"
    intent_action: "android.intent.action.VIEW"
    intent_uri: "google.navigation:q=51.505088,-0.075696"

Where you can replace the q=.... with the the location of the person

intent_uri: "google.navigation:q={{state_attr('person.otherperson','latitude')}},{{state_attr('person.otherperson','longitude')}}"

This is brilliant! I’ve just used this to create a “Directions To Work” button.

I already get a mobile notification with a traffic map snapshot if my expected commute time is greater than normal or I am not at home which already has an action that just opens the google maps app to my current location. I’ve added an action to press this button so it will open best route and directions to work at the click of a button!

Thanks for sharing!

Directions to Work Button
- button:
    - name: "Directions To Work"
      unique_id: directions_to_work
      icon: mdi:car
        - action: notify.mobile_app_jphone
            message: "command_activity"
              intent_package_name: "com.google.android.apps.maps"
              intent_action: "android.intent.action.VIEW"
              intent_uri: "google.navigation:q={{ state_attr('zone.work', 'latitude') }}, {{ state_attr('zone.work', 'longitude') }}"

You can also do this with Waze but only to home and work.

You mean there is more to life that this? :face_holding_back_tears:

Sure there is!

  - action: notify.mobile_app_andreas
      message: command_activity
        intent_uri: https://waze.com/ul?favorite=home&navigate=yes
        intent_package_name: com.waze
        intent_action: android.intent.action.VIEW

Change home to work if you want to go to work