WTH can't I see attributes in dev tools > states when the page is thin?

Bringing this one back from 2020. This annoys me about twice a week, every week since I’ve started using HA.

Here’s the 2020 WTH: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/mobile-developer-tools-states-attributes-missing/219520

it’s not an IOS thing, it’s a thin browser page thing

@petro can you change the tag? So we give the right visibility

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This please!
I have to go to the “States” dev tool page all the time when I am writing automations and 90% of the time I need to see the attributes of an entity because most entities are way more complex than a simple “yes/no” “on/off” main state. Its extremely annoying to navigate on this site currently, as it also doesn’t seem to remember search, scroll state, etc. Its also not using the new table design yet, maybe that would be a way to improve it quickly.