WTH can't I select area's, labels and devices for the TTS media player

We are able to create labels for a while now, but unfortunately, when selecting a TTS speak message. I cannot specify my speakers by label. For example I have a label named ‘Alarm speakers’, I just want to target this whole label, or a specific area. I can with the TTS, but not the media players. It is possible to do this with Play Media, but not with TTS.

PS: I just really want to thank this whole community and especially everyone who works directly at Nabu Casa and Home Assistant! Nothing but love for this awesome software :heart:

I came across a bug with Google Home speaker groups, and I’m like let me try out labels in home assistant, anddd of course you cannot target a label group… I can set the volume apparently, but not TTS?

i’m looking for a proper solution to select a label, this way i can group multiple speakers together.