WTH can't I set a default dashboard per user

But on the device you could login as an “user” or as an “admin”. What if the default View/Dashboard you choose is admin-only? What has to shown then for the “user” on this device?

Admin is not an option. It’s a normal user who’s default view should not be view 1 of a dashboard 1 but view 1 of dashboard 2. Currently impossible.

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This has nothing to do with admin or user. It has something to do with the combination of account and device (user or admin doesn’t matter; both are accounts).

At the end (as I think to know) in HA there is no real difference between “admin” and “user”. The API can be fully called by both. HA has no authentication system, only an authorization system. Just some links and Dashboards are hidden for “user”.

Nice to know. And indeed, HA lacks a “bit” of flexibility here. So still, it’s much talking without saying anything helpful unfortunately. …as it simply is not possible at the moment :slight_smile:

I think my biggest issue is that on the iOS app at least, if you have a different internal and external URL, it has two different login sessions (?) so you end up with different sidebars, themes, default dashboards etc depending on if you’re in or out of the house!

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At least you can set the default theme. Here is the automation action:

service frontend set_theme

Yeah, well… a theme is not a dashboard is not a view, right. So… :roll_eyes:

No idea what you’re even trying to say here

I was saying that

is the answer to a completely different question and not helpful in this topic at all.

It is helpful because if you use backend selected and set the theme, it does create a default theme for all users.

Oh dear… this is about a default dashboard right? A theme is a theme, a dashboard is a dashboard. Please explain.

Being able to define how a dashboard looks is not helpful when aiming at setting “a default dashboard per user”, isn’t it?

People come to threads all the time for information when they google things. :wink:.

Just because it’s not relevant to you doesn’t meant it’s not relevant for someone else.

And it’s still on topic because it’s about the frontend, so relax.

OK… so next time I give a roughly (or not at all depending on viewers interpretation) related answer to a question around here, you won’t shoot at me. Nice :slight_smile:

I’m out, indeed looking for