WTH can't I unroll a group into its individual entities?

Given two light groups

  - platform: group
    name: "Living Room Lights"
      - light.light_on_wall
      - light.light_on_table
  - platform: group
    name: "Outdoor Lights"
      - light.pool
      - light.tree

When I create another light group with entities being the other two light groups:

  - platform: group
    name: "All Lights"
      - light.living_room_lights
      - light.outdoor_lights

This new group, when queried, contains only two lights.

I would like to have the option of creating a group where each of the entities is unrolled down to the individual entities contained within the group, so that a group definition like this:

  - platform: group
    name: "All Lights"
    unroll_entities: true
      - light.living_room_lights
      - light.outdoor_lights

would be logically identical to

  - platform: group
    name: "All Lights"
      - light.light_on_wall
      - light.light_on_table
      - light.pool
      - light.tree

Why is this useful? It allows much more practical maintenance of groups by removing duplication of entity lists. YAML references won’t suffice for this.

it was a bit difficult for me to understand so i want to double check. So, you want to use an existing group entity as child one inside some other group definition right?

Correct, and in such a way that it looks as if I added the individual entities of that child group directly.