WTH can't I upgrade an add-on to a specific version?

It’s possible to use the ha cli to upgrade to a specific version of Home Assistant, however for add-ons the only option is to upgrade to the latest version.

Most of the time this is fine, but there are cases where you might want to upgrade to a specific version:

  • There is a new major version of an add-on but you don’t want to run the latest yet because you want to see if it is stable.
  • You need to catch up with upgrades, but want to upgrade in steps to make sure things like schema changes successfully applied. In other words, if the add-on went from version 3.x to 6.x when you weren’t keeping, up, you may want to upgrade from 3.x → 4.x, then 4.x → 5.x, then 5.x to latest. In some cases the software inside the add-on miight not support upgrading from 3.x to 6.x directly.
  • You can’t upgrade to the latest because your platform or something else is no longer supported, but there is a a new version that will still work for your case. (This happened with some add-ons where 32bit ARM is no longer supported.)
