When you have an automation that is triggered a lot, it makes finding the trace difficult to find or you miss the trigger in the amount of traces you configure to keep. As an example a motion sensor may trigger tons of times, you may have to have a very high trace count in order and even then you have to go through a long list trying to find a trace where it has passed the conditions
A workaround is to put in a template sensor with the condition in but that means you have to change the automation and make it harder to maintain compared to the separate drop downs etc.
Possible fix:
- Set trace to store x amount of traces where the conditions were met (you could still store the most recent traces where the conditions weren’t met under the existing trace option)
- Option to hide traces in GUI
I did raise this as a feature request here that explains it more; Option to trace scripts/automations where action is triggered only - Feature Requests - Home Assistant Community