The live preview in the scene editor is a nice gimmick for certain scenes, like for lights, but it can also cause a lot of trouble. Imagine creating a “good night” scene where you would like to basically turn off all the lights, turn off wifi, cut the power from certain devices/rooms (less electromagnetic “pollution” if there is anything to this) or make sure certain devices are turned off (like TVs/Homecinema). Having a live preview for this kind of scenes will not make you any friends in your household.
So my feature wish would be to have a toggle in the scene editor to enable/disable the live preview, with the default being OFF to not cause any issues.
From what I understood this will be a hard nut to crack since the scene editor now seems to just snapshot the state machine, but wouldn’t it be possible to switch between the live state machine and something like a mock one so that the overall logic could be kept and it only switches to a different webservice endpoint?