WTH Can't we customize history ranges?


When I click on History, I can only choose fast ranges from Today, Yesterday, this week, last week.

No customization available.

I’m more interested in 7 days, 24 hours, 48 hours,…

What Version you using

In my UI above this you list is cutomze month,day,year,hour. Min. And sec for start and end date

I find it tedious to precisely select times and dates using the picker.

Like the original poster, I would like a quick way to select the last N minutes, hours, or days for various convenient choices of N.

I’m seldom interested in “this week” / “this year” because most of the time when I look at the history panel I’m trying to understand some kind of recent hiccup.


Of course I was not talking about the precise picker, but to be able to customize predefined ranges.

Maybe an option to set your own default, or maybe even better, use the last used time frame in any Show more lookup.


Did anything ever happen with this request?

IMHO, it would be good to be able to set the default history display based on a value set for the entity. Eg, being able to set my solar generation to have a history as “today from 6am”

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Nothing happened with this.

Absolutely. When I’m looking at data, temperature for example, I like to look at the last week or month rather than last week or last month - the previous 7 days rather than Monday to Sunday last week.

I find I often choose ‘this week’ as I want to view data from today but compare that against the last 7 days. If it’s a Monday or Tuesday there very little shown in the data to compare against so I end up choosing a date range manually, every single time.

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Just commenting to support this topic. When I notice that something is going wrong Right Now I want to the last 1-6-12 hours worth of data quickly and having to set the date/time window manually is extremely tedious.

A “last hour” shortcut would be very useful to me.

Not only define custom time-frames more suitable to each one but also define a default timeframe per entity if setup.

Example: I want to keep track a weekly update on a sensor.

I would love to have a custom time-frame of 8 days and make it the default timeframe for this particular sensor.

It seems to me that it would be fairly easy to add a few extra items in the list: frontend/src/components/ha-date-range-picker.ts at 49576189af4a7122d50eaccd7ff2ce92af25f879 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

Perhaps we could add something like this:

  • This hour
  • Last 2 hours
  • Last 4 hours
  • Last 8 hours

Creating a PR for that would be fairly trivial, making it customizable would be quite a bit more work. Are there any devs here that can comment on whether this would or would not be accepted?

I think it would be welcomed. You can always hop on discord and ask.