WTH can't we Drag&Drop in the Dashboard

Right now I see this feature as really critical to boost the overall accessibility for all users, and especially newcomers. This single feature would bring the usability to the next level, and where it should be, with all the other UX changes lately. I can’t understand the resistance to considering this.

Another voice to not understand this.

I got my dashboard sort of how I wanted it. But it meant messing about with a bunch of stacked cards, trying to line them up, playing with icon sizes just to get them to fit nexto the other cards. It’s terrible really.

And now I find out the weather card sometimes displays data different, shifting the whole vertical stack up for no reason.

Please let me just have a card in a set size and let me drag and drop it wherever I want. I still use Sharptools for some reasons, but I prefer HomeAssistant because of the snapiness, but that’s it. Lay-out and appearance was way easier in Sharptools.

I always wanted this feature to land in HomeAssistant but now that I’ve created a few dashboards on my own, I am not sure how much Drag&Drop would really help.
First of all, the Masonry Layout would, in my opinion, not really profit from Drag&Drop as the cards don’t really have a position but only an order.
So additional layout types would be needed to really make use of Drag&Drop. A grid layout would be a great example.
Another problem, in my opinion, is the responsive design. If I drag a card into the 4th column of the first row, where should it now be on a mobile device with only 2 columns?
What if a card has a colspan or rowspan > 1?

So in my opinion Drag&Drop alone does only work with non-responsive layouts or with a very limited or fixed responsive configuration.

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I don’t mind that, most phones these days have the same screen size. Sharptools has the option to choose between the two and I very much prefer the grid style.

I also don’t mind to make a dashboard for a particular use case. How often do you need to view you dashboard on “an other device”?
The tablet has a dashboard for its own, the phones have a dashboard of their own.

Drag and drop would be great to position things exactly where I want them. Now I have a bunch of vertical and horizontal stacks, all embedded within eachother. But it’s a terrible way of designing a dashboard, because when I decide I want a button somewhere else, I might have to delete a whole part of it to get it there.

If you get a chance to check out the current beta (or next months release 2024.3), you can check out the new sections view which contains Drag and Drop functionality.

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