WTH Can't we have BluePrints for all components/configurations

I have a number of yaml files containing different aspect like templates, utility_meters, etc. for a specific item (car in this case). Now cause we have 2 I then end up copying them and replacing a specific string to make 2nd set for the 2nd car.
If I then make changes to one, I end up copying the file and do a find/replace again.

Would be nice if I could make like a “package” with everything in it, then have this package be loaded twice during startup each with a separate string to replace in it.

As an example (very simplified):

    - binary_sensor:
        - name: car1_charge_pending
          unique_id: car1_charge_pending
          state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.car1_status', 'pending') }}"
    - sensor:
        - name: car1_charge_percent
          unique_id: car1_charge_percent
          state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.car1_status', 'percent') }}"
      source: sensor.car1_energy_total_kwh
      cycle: hourly


    - binary_sensor:
        - name: car1_driving
          unique_id: car1_driving
          state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.car1_status', 'driving') }}"
    - sensor:
        - name: car1_current_speed
          unique_id: car1_current_speed
          state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.car1_status', 'speed') }}"

For car2 I then copy the yaml files and do a find/replace from car1 → car2.
Would be nice instead if I could somehow get it setup like a package with the yaml files in together with what to replace.
Be it similar like BluePrints but then not limited to automations or scripts but able to do it for everything.