WTH?! Can't we have moving backgrounds in our dashboard? Or play GIF in picture-entities?

Oke last one! Why can’t I set a moving background in HA? I’d like to have a snowy background for christmas. I tried a GIF, but it just stands still. h264 maybe?
And besides that I added also tried to add picture-entity to my dashbord with a gif, but it also so doesn’t move. :frowning:

No more votes?

Probably super low on the priority list but it would be very cool. Obviously it can creat visually busy effects but a gentle snow or some glimmering on a summer theme with ocean will look super cool. And since it’s backed by html/jas, technically it should be doable… easily?

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  • picture
  • picture-elements
  • picture-entity
  • picture-glance

type: grid
  - type: picture
    image: https://i.gifer.com/Z23b.gif
  - type: picture-elements
      - type: state-badge
        entity: sun.sun
          top: 32%
          left: 40%
    image: https://i.gifer.com/Z23b.gif
  - type: picture-entity
    entity: sun.sun
    image: https://i.gifer.com/Z23b.gif
  - type: picture-glance
    image: https://i.gifer.com/Z23b.gif
      - sun.sun

and since you asked:

@Ildar_Gabdullin in your 2nd post is the background animated? Adding individual animated cards is fine but how about a background?
For me specifically I’d be curious if the background is part of the theme definition itself and points to a format that supports animation, would it work?

Mushroom Winter 0:
    lovelace-background: 'center / cover no-repeat url("/XYZ/winter-0.jpg") fixed'
      light: {}
      dark: {}

Imagine winter-0.jpg was an animated GIF. Would that work? I had tried it ages ago and it didn’t but maybe things have changed or I did something stupid at the time. It wasn’t a high priority for me so I gave up fast

Of course animated)))

Can say nothing about themes, not using background in themes.

Got it, thx!