WTH can't we remap Hue plugs as plugs and not lights?

Looks like the hue integration won’t allow remapping a plug as another thing than a light, which can be annoying if you say “turn off all lights” and it turns off a computer…

Apparently it’s Hue that treats them as lights:

Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be able to override them, as we can say for other integrations that a plug is a fan for example.

I’m not arguing about it, just sharing what I found.

I have couple HUE plugs and I have connected them to different Zigbee2MQTT network instead of HUE’s own bridge. This way I am able to control them as a switch.

I don’t want to use hue plugs with zigbee2mqtt, other plugs are better and smaller for that.

I use a hue plug with hue bridge to be able to reboot my raspberry in case of trouble with a backup path.

Recent Hue app adds a hide feature for rooms, but it will not hide them from the global switch on the top.

Similar to this, HA can cut itself from power by just saying “turn off all lights”, which includes hue plugs.

Hue is made by a company that makes almost exclusively lights. That is why everything in Hue is a light.
Most people who want more control switch over to ZHA or Z2M, which work very well with Hue devices. If nobody picks up on this WTH, that would be my advice.