WTH Card visibility condition based on time and date

It would be great with the new visibility conditions for cards to use a condition based on time or dates.
In my example I was thinking about having a light card in my livingroom for my christmas lights and I wanted the card only to be visible during november through january.
So a condition based on spesific dates, time or a date range would be great!

I’m 100% with you on this one.
This seems to be basic functionality, but with a lot of trial and error, I still haven’t succeeded with this one.

The christmas lights is one scenario, but I’m also looking for a more dynamic situation:
I’m using a input_datetime sensor to determine when I need to water the plants.
When that date is today or in the past, I want to show a message/button card on my dashboard so I’m reminded of this chore.

Hope this will be possible in the near future.

A template condition would be ideal

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