WTH - conditional cards can't use anything other than state is/is not equal to?

It would be great if conditional cards could also use other operators - greater/less than/or equal to, etc.

Example: I want my conditional card to display if a value is greater than 0.01, because that’s the default draw for my washing machine on my TP-Link Kasa plug. I currently have to set the conditions to “state is not equal to 0.0 AND state is not equal to 0.01 AND state is not equal to unavailable”.

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You might want to have a look at Threshold - Home Assistant and create a helper for it. Maybe not ideal but simpler and more flexible than your current AND AND AND approach


Yes, similar… and made me realise: A helper that I could make using the UI that would OR two (or preferably more) other conditions would already be so much easier than having to make template sensors for this.

Conditional cards should have all the same possible conditions as automations.


Would also like to see template support.

The threshold suggestion is a great workaround though, thanks @robv