WTH: Cost for Monitor individual devices

Would love to see what the costs are for my individual devices on the energy dashboard.

As much as I love this idea and would also like it, I know there is a lot of complexity in working out the costs, especially when you have solar or multiple electricity sources.

For example:
I have a power monitor on my server rack, and I use 10kWh perday, this is easy enough to work out, until you take into acount that during 10 hours of the day power comes from solar (approx 4kWh if I have great sun), then we also have the 2 hours at night that power gets cut (South African Rolling Blackouts/Load Shedding) which means I am using stored up power from the batteries, which also doesn’t have a cost.)
And then there are times when the power usage of the house is greater than solar production so which devices get the cost?

I’m not saying this is impossible, but it will be very tricky to get right.


I think this is covered in another WTH, including accounting for solar/ battery/ grid consumption prices: