For now it seems complete but in the next run it has a state like waiting_for_timer or stopped instead of done for some reason the picture_elements card will show a rotating loader like in the center of the photo
I can’t find any real errors I’d like at least a javascript console log or console error to see which device state I missed. Now I have to live with a loader that will disappear as quick as it came in but I never know why.
My code is up to 800 lines per floor so it’s hard to debug if you don’t have actual data.
Sorry, this is not WTH.
This is a question “why I see an error?”
You posted a code for an “image” element of picture-elements card (PE).
The element has a code related to config-template-card (CTC).
If the whole PE is not placed inside CTC - then this particular element cannot be rendered. (actually, placing a whole PE into CTC is a wrong practice…)
If the original code was wrong, if you copy/pasted this code from Internet - you are not the 1st person who faced issues & came here, Internet is full of BS.