WTH Do I see a loader icon in my picture-elements card but no error logs

If the Picture Elements card has a object that’s in a unknown state for example:

Washing machine:

- type: image
      entity: sensor.washingmachine
        "starting": local/floorplan-bg/washing.png
        "centrifuge": local/floorplan-bg/washingcentrifuge.png
        "done": local/floorplan-bg/washingdone.png
        unavailable: local/floorplan-bg/WK B-Unavailable.png

For now it seems complete but in the next run it has a state like waiting_for_timer or stopped instead of done for some reason the picture_elements card will show a rotating loader like in the center of the photo

I can’t find any real errors I’d like at least a javascript console log or console error to see which device state I missed. Now I have to live with a loader that will disappear as quick as it came in but I never know why.

My code is up to 800 lines per floor so it’s hard to debug if you don’t have actual data.

Sorry, this is not WTH.
This is a question “why I see an error?”

You posted a code for an “image” element of picture-elements card (PE).
The element has a code related to config-template-card (CTC).
If the whole PE is not placed inside CTC - then this particular element cannot be rendered. (actually, placing a whole PE into CTC is a wrong practice…)

If the original code was wrong, if you copy/pasted this code from Internet - you are not the 1st person who faced issues & came here, Internet is full of BS.

The target for my request was “I don’t see an error” but maybe I’m looking at it the wrong way. Will try to fix it like you say.

Suggest you to create a post here:

It will be more correct…

Similar: Floorplan Picture Entity - Only working with last added element
Better place to ask about config-template-card (if you REALLY need it): 📝 100% Templatable Lovelace Configurations