That’s a stab to my pride. Up to this point, this thread was making me believe I was an extraordinarily smart, rocket scientist…
No politics please
If I had a time I would go through all recent WTH to make some numbers. But general impression is, it really doesn’t make sense to invest time for even creating post like WTH. You may find following answers:
- not gonna happen
- we are short on developer - not gonna happen
- it would require lot of work - not gonna happen
- do it yourself different way
- anyone who maintains HA must get programming skills
- not gonna happen because we are focusing for gui-based maintenance
- it’s not programming, it’s configuration of program executor, thus it’s not the problem
I could list more.
Am I wrong?
What’s the point of WTH if anything we ask is doomed by default.
If you disagree, why you even answering? for sake of arguing? let it be. If it cannot be changed improved it won’t anyway - without you trying to argue against OP
Hard truths.
Here’s the stats of your 13 WTHs
9 - discussions - “normal” wth.
1 - we tried, it’s not possible at the moment
1 - Probably could be done but it would require a whole rework.
1 - closed, about custom integration
1 - No not going to happen.
I really think you’re being a bit misleading here.
The point of WTH is to take the time to pause, listen, and dive deep into the little things that maybe you go “What the heck?!” about Home Assistant.
The point is NOT to implement anything you make a post about.
Home Assistant has largely been successful because the developers know how to minimize scope creep. That necessarily means rejecting ideas that are out-of-scope, or minimizing the addition of features that require massive reworks.
If the response you’ve gotten is that a number of your WTHs have been rejected, perhaps you have a misunderstanding of the scope of Home Assistant. That’s okay. Take it in stride and refine your future WTHs.
You obviously didn’ understand what I wrote.
No big deal though.
Perhaps look at the previous WTH to see what got implemented. The feedback wasn’t ignored. Just stay within scope and keep it grounded in reality.
Note that I have read quite a few WTH subjects and seen many opinions being vented by other users but not by the Nabu Casa dev team.
if I, another random commenter or even some of the volunteers that moderate here, say something isn’t going to happen, doesn’t mean that is the dev teams ’ verdict.
Active forum members are just that. They do not represent the majority of users and not the developers either.
Of course, there’s way more wth in a month than can be fixed in a year, so most of it isn’t going to happen soon. Some of it gets fixed by the NC team, some by the community devs. Many things will probably not be priority to the NC team but they will merge it if someone makes the PR.
In september 2022 there was w WTH month and one feature I really wanted was multiple shopping/todo lists and it was fixed in 2023.11. So yeah you may have to wait for something to be implemented when it is hard or not a big priority (like other WTH got more votes), but the dev team listens to the whole WTH thing.
Yeah, this is it.
I’m OK if something won’t be implemented soon or at all. I’m even more OK if it will be eventually picked by devs.
What I don’t like about this edition of WTH is the number of disheartening responses.
This. Hence my comment.
Well, it’s an open community forum. If you propose something other members do not like to see implemented, they are free to voice their arguments, no?
Some of the discussions going on here remind me of other internet forums I spen(d/t) time on. About mountain biking for example. Endless discussions on ‘growing the sport’ VS ‘keeping it it real’. People telling others to learn some technique instead of demanding to dumb down the trail. It’s not specific to HA at all. I bet a whole bunch of sociology PhD thesis have been and or could be written on the dynamics of internet fora.
But how do you know your WTH had anything to do with it?
WTH Months are a trawl for ideas, that’s all. They’re certainly not some kind of democratic vote for features. Sit back and marvel at the things people do with Home Assistant.
Just don’t get disqureged, there are alot of opinions about HA, alot of people want something different from it. When you get a closed source program you just have to live with it, with open source you can get your opinion heard, but it does not mean that it will be considered. These guys have ben at it for 10 years, I think they more or less know what thay are dooing.
Look at it from their perspective, it is like in the NFL, do you go for it at the 35 yard line at 1 and 4th or do you kick a field gool? And keep in mind I’m a Bears fan and I live in Poland and had not been in the USA since 2002
@jackjourneyman - I do not know if it had to do anything, but the idea that I’ve voted for it and in several months later it’s done gives me hope
Just sayin’, the 2025.1 beta release notes list at least 9 WTH’s that have been implemented already.
Cool! How many of them are user interface related?
Pretty much all of them, in one way or another.
most of them.