WTH is there no way to insert common templates into template fields?

f.e. a button with dropdown list to insert things like get entity state ( or attribute) .
I imagine this similar as f.e. in some text editors i can insert some regular expressions for searching.
Or at least a help popup i can copy the yaml from.

Every time i need this i have to look up the syntax i dont remember correctly.
I think this would be of much help for new users.

This may only work for simple templates like

{{ states('sensor.xxx') }}


{{ state_attr('sensor.xxx','some_attr') }}

But templates may be very complex. So what is the point to add a functionality which covers 1% of possible variants?

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you can insert the basics on cursor position and extend it as you need.

But what “basics” are?

like your examples + some common used filters, is_state(), such things.
To be discussed or to get from any statistic :slight_smile:

Things a new user or one not writing templates every day could need.
I am unsure everytime if its state or states, hw to get attributes, i forgot the ’ ’ and so on.
In forum questions i often see missing float(0) on number entities