WTH does Home Assistant Core not have a built-in native “Generic Security Alarm System” (i.e. a native ”Intruder Alarm System”) integration component?

Please add an fully embedded native “Generic Security Alarm System” integration component to Home Assistant Core as a default package of pre-made automation Blueprints and device templates for making it much simpler for new users to setup an easy-to-use custom DIY Home Security Alarm?

Target audience is not only DIY:ers but users who want to move away from commercial security alarm systems with exensive monthly subscriptions.

See this existing feature request(s asking for a generic ”Intruder Alarm System” that is both intuative and quick to setup from scratch using basic devices from different brands and IoT technology standards:

I read your Feature Request topic and voted your FR & WTH! :crossed_fingers:

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Edit: NVM. Just read your feature request. You are well aware.

Although it is not built in, the custom component Alarmo does exactly what you want (and more). It is one of the better documented and maintained custom integrations.