WTH does scrolling on https://analytics.home-assistant.io/ crash phones and web pages?

Scrolling up and down the default https://analytics.home-assistant.io/ page causes my phone browser to crash and desktop Chrome tab to often hang. Why is that? Is it going to get worse over time?

Yeah, I have the same on my machine, it just has too much data that is not properly handled.

I have been working on a replacement that will solve it https://11ty--home-assistant-analytics.netlify.app/ (This is a WIP, so things are missing and might change), hopefully, that will be done soon.

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Thank you for the response and I appreciate the work you are doing! The WIP loads significantly faster and and I look forward to your progress.

I am curious to see a timeline of installation types over time as well. I know it doesn’t change much but over a long period it would be interesting to see.

Thanks again!

That is already showing in the top graph.

You’re correct and I should have been more clear. I was thinking weighted against each other as a percentage of 100%, such as is shown in the pie chart.

The new site is now live.

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