Scrolling up and down the default page causes my phone browser to crash and desktop Chrome tab to often hang. Why is that? Is it going to get worse over time?
Yeah, I have the same on my machine, it just has too much data that is not properly handled.
I have been working on a replacement that will solve it (This is a WIP, so things are missing and might change), hopefully, that will be done soon.
Thank you for the response and I appreciate the work you are doing! The WIP loads significantly faster and and I look forward to your progress.
I am curious to see a timeline of installation types over time as well. I know it doesn’t change much but over a long period it would be interesting to see.
Thanks again!
That is already showing in the top graph.
You’re correct and I should have been more clear. I was thinking weighted against each other as a percentage of 100%, such as is shown in the pie chart.
The new site is now live.