WTH does the Energy Dashboard assume that all home generation is Solar PV

Why does the energy dashboard assume that any local generation in the house is Solar PV?

Users need the option the designate their own generation as Solar PV, Wind, MicroHydro etc, and to optionally integrate a forecast for their own generation.

That way the Energy Dashboard would make a lot more sense

Based on some research I did several years ago, if I remember correctly, there really isn’t much of a difference between them at the power conversion hardware level, where Home Assistant would be connected to them. Most of the difference would be in the charge controller, if I’m not mistaken.

Your lights don’t care where the electrons come from. But if you are trying to optimize your electricity cost in a home with battery storage, solar and wind, it matters whether the sun will be shining in the afternoon or the wind will be blowing in the evening, or both.

My guess is that there isn’t anything like Forecast.Solar for Wind and other forms of alternative energy production, so that’s why we don’t yet have the option of defining something other than Solar in the Energy Dashboard. If there is, perhaps someone needs to create an integration for it.