Why does an end-users manually have to enter the long socket URL for networked Zigbee adapters?
Sonoff ZBBridge users have to type: socket://[IP]:[PORT] in for ex; “socket://”
Zigate WiFi bridge users have to type: socket://[IP]:[PORT] for ex; “socket://”
Not a major pain, just think this will is somewhat annoying and slightly confusing to brand new users now that ZHA config flow UI has already made the initial first-time setup for USB-adapters very easy.
Could it instead be another option in drop-down list with “Connect to a Zigbee network adapter” or?
Then you could get the option to enter “IP-address” and “Port” in separate fields like for the port speed?
It might be less confusing to not get an empty row asking for “Serial device path” and better to instead get only three separate rows, one row each for; “IP-address”, “TCP-port”, and “Port-speed (in bps)”.
It could also be a good idea to specify that port means TCP-port" and port-speed is in baud rate (bps).
Another enhancement regarding port-speed with to maybe have an entered default and maybe also a drop-down list there as well with popular standard port-speeds for serial ports in bps (baud per second):
- 1500000
- 460800
- 115200
- 57600
@dmulcahey and @Adminiuga You think that would make ZHA config flow even more user-friendly?
So this is more a feature request requesting if ZHA config flow can be enhanced for networked Zigbee adapters?
If future Tasmota enhancements add the requirement of username and password then would also be nice to add the option to enter those in separate fields too instead of longer URL formatted text.
PS: I think that Zigbee WiFi adapters will become much common soon with the new Tasmota support.