The energy dashboard requires multiple sensors to operate, including net kwh, consumed kwh, and returned kwh.
However, some metering devices may only provide power (watts) and net energy (kwh). In that scenario, an estimate of consumed and returned energy could be constructed by integrating power over time. It might drift but it’s better than nothing.
Aside: I can’t seem to figure out how to reconfigure the Energy dashboard now that I have set it up. I could probably find it by searching the documentation but why isn’t there an Edit or Settings button prominently located on that screen like on other dashboards?
→ Settings → Dashboards → Energy
There you can add / remove entities for the Dashboard.
Calculation / guess of energy consumption based on W information from a Sensor:
HA provides some methods to calculate Wh or kWh from a Sensor that only provides W…
here’s the documentation how to do that (Rieman sum integral)
I use this approach, but it does not seem to work:
What I did was:
I have created a yaml config for my base consumption (I switched off all devices I could to determine this consumption in Watts:
- platform: template # Grundlast in W (Sum of all NOT monitored devices )
friendly_name: Strom Grundlast [W]
unit_of_measurement: "W"
icon_template: "mdi:counter"
device_class: power
value_template: "{{ 185 | float(2) | round (0) }}"
I used this as the source for the kWh using Riemann (via UI), which I can use in the energy dashboard.
Unfortunately it’s not updated (as the base consumption is a constant value?).
Whenever I change the base consumption in Watts, it will be updated.
From my perspective it should be updated even though the source sensor is constant.
Or is there some misunderstanding from my side?
thank you, that would be greatly appreciated.
Because it’s configured by the UI the config is not visible (or is there any way?)
thus, I will create one in yaml to share.
To force an update of your integration-sensor in regular Intervalls add a time-trigger to your source template sensor and an attribute that changes every time, like a timestamp.
Whenever the source-sensor changes (an attribute-change is also a state-change) the integration-sensor will update, so in this case every minute because the trigger of this sensor fires every minute and creates a new value for the attribute “timestamp”
So, my two rieman integral sensors where running for a few hours now…
Both are collecting and increasing… they are using the same source (which provices W) - but using different calculation methods (as far as I remember)
If you would just use {{ 185 }} as your template you would get the exact same result. You are now taking an integer, turning it into a float (with 2 as it’s default) and then rounding it to 0 digits
Thanks for your verification.
I assume your source sensors change over time?
So, I guess this is the culprit (on my side), that Riemann only works on changing source sensor values.
That’s true and is obviously a relict from me fiddling around.
Thanks for pointing out.
However this does not make a difference re:my issue
I guess your seperate sensors.yaml will be included in the configuration.yaml in this way:
sensor !include sensors.yaml
Try the following:
create a new file - name it templates.yaml for example.
Inlcude it in the configuration.yaml in the same way as you did it for the sensor file.
I did as suggested.
Actually I just recognized that all my sensors are of type template
- platform: template # Gas in m³
So, the issue that the trigger template not working with all the cascading entries (template, trigger, sensor) is in conflict with my templates starting with sensor because of
sensor: !include sensors.yaml
So, I guess it’s a good idea to move these over to templates instead and use the sensors.yaml for “pure” sensors only.
The result is that the attribute is updated with the timestamp, and so is the Riemann sensor.
Thank you very much for your strong support, @CChris
there are many different situations where this can come from…
Mostly, related to changes within the last couple of releases - where key elements of the configuration have been restructured.
Thanks for the explanation.
I will do my best to track these breaking changes.
It’s tricky though and I need to get some more experience with HA first.
Again - thank you for your support.
The forum here is really awesome - and the level of support and contribution among “home-automationers” is obviously massive (I just can speak about openhab / HA though).
sorry to bother you again - please allow one more question.
I am currently cleaning up my sensors (being templates actually) and move them to templates.yaml.
So for example this sensor:
- platform: template # Gas in kWh
friendly_name: Gas gesamt [kWh]
unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
icon_template: "mdi:counter"
device_class: energy
value_template: "{{ states ('counter.gas_zahler_rohwerte') | float(0) * 0.01 * 11.5}}"
supposed to be transformed into this template:
# Gas in kWh
- sensor:
- name: "Gas gesamt [kWh]"
unique_id: gas_meter_kwh
unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
icon: "mdi:counter"
device_class: energy
state_class: measurement
state: "{{ states ('counter.gas_zahler_rohwerte') | float(0) * 0.01 * 11.5}}"
This seems to work obviously, but creates a problem:
If I create the template with the same name (to keep the historic data in place) HA will automatically rename it to gas_meter_kwh_2 - even though I removed the entry from sensors.yaml of course.
Furthermore HA restoresgas_meter_kwh indicated by this in the UI:
Is there any way to prevent this and force the new template to take over the place (and data of the “old” sensor?