Before everyone “fires” at me, i’d like to explain my use cases:
I have some smart plugs, and I can deduct pretty accuratly what device is connected by the consumption.
For instance, in my kitchen, I can deduct that a plug as the “Bimby” connected or a Toaster, or a Grill, or even a Blender. I would like to change the name (only friendly_name, not entity_id) accordingly.
For my assistants I already use all names as alias, so I can “turn off Bimby” or “turn off Toaster”, but in the dashboards the device keeps the same name…
I already make binary_sensors that turn on/off accordingly (Bimby, for instance), but renaming the entity would be the ideal solution.
I have several plugs with this kind of logic.
Another plug I have, if I have my “pool assembled” mode on, it will be refered as “Pool Pump”, otherwise I want to refer to it as “Outside Plug”. In the dashboards, I solved it by making 2 conditional cards, but a simple rename would solve it:
It’s the same card, same entities, with just the first button renamed (icon
is “customized” with a template, but friendly_name
can’t be customized the same way)…
So… If we can change the entity friendly name in the frontend manually, WHT can’t we do it with a service?
Thanks in advance.