I have noticed that in automations, when I drag an object to another location, it will get totally deleted if I do not drop it in an exact location within the automation structure (e.g. within an ‘if’ or ‘then’ section). Currently, to work around this, I duplicate the object I want to move first, then go back and delete the original if it successfully moved. I suppose one solution would be to just cancel the drag action and leave the object in its original location instead of it being deleted.
Another suggestion; Could the dragged item somehow be highlighted or change colour while dragging it around, to help visually keep track of it in a larger automation? I struggle at times to keep up with where it is moving to within the automation as it gets lost within the existing objects. One work-around I currently use is to disable the object I want to move so it has a ‘disabled’ banner that I can watch while I am dragging it around.
Cheers, Chris Orban.