WTH - Easier units conversions

HA does a good job of converting some units, but not others. It sounds like cohesive unit handling is difficult, so what about letting user do simple math directly in lovelace cards?
For example, to display hourly max internet speed, I have:

  - entity: sensor.pfsense_interface_wan_inbytes_kilobytes_per_second
    name: Download

…but my internet is fast enough that bytes don’t make any sense. To deal with this, I currently have LOTS OF TEMPLATES THAT ONLY GET USED ONCE! What if something like this worked?

  - entity: sensor.pfsense_interface_wan_inbytes_kilobytes_per_second
    mathstuff: {{ entity_value | float/1000 | round(1) }}
    name: Download (Mb/s)

Right now I make a card, realize the units aren’t what I want, go make a template, reload template entities, go back to the card and swap the entity. If something like this change were implemented, we could make the change directly in the card while creating it.

Related to:

I use markdown cards and do all sorts of math and conditions in those.

Here is an example:

type: markdown
        content: >
            {{ ((state_attr('climate.kitchenthermostat','level'))*100)|round }} %

Can markdown be combined with the graph cards somehow? My understanding was that it only works for formatting values along with text and images. To provide a slightly more concrete example, here is the card where I use the information from the example I added above.

chart_type: line
period: hour
days_to_show: 7
type: statistics-graph
  - entity: sensor.pfsense_interface_wan_inbytes_kilobytes_per_second
    name: Download
  - entity: sensor.pfsense_interface_wan_outbytes_kilobytes_per_second
    name: Upload
  - max
title: Hourly Max Internet Speed

Probably not, but a line graph makes little sense to recalculate. The line will be the same anyway.

Wouldn’t this make more sense to follow the current implementation model for Unit of Measurement?
For temperature you can set the units from the Entity page:

We need the same for all units with kilo/mega/giga/etc prefixes.
I want my monthly solar production to be shown in mWh, not in Wh, as that number is too big to show on my Nest Hub display with all the other info.
From 18-24 inches away (which is about where the nest hub is), I cannot read that it’s 701,840 Wh this month. It’s worse in the summer months when that goes over a million and actually gets buried under the sides of the gauge. I’d be happy looking at a 0.7 mWh. Fewer digits is good.

If I go to setting for a card showing Celsius I can change it to Fahrenheit in a couple clicks. That’s a recent feature. It would be cool if it was expanded to other units.