WTH - Energy dashboard cards to re-work as custom "cards".to add and tweak

I know there is a third party re-make of the energy flow card. But I actually really like the Energy dashboard “cards” and embed them on our main Dashboard fire tablet in the kitchen on certain related areas.

I would like them to appear under cards to add to dashboards. With a few customisation options. I found somewhere while searching you can add them using these code snippets.

“type: energy-distribution” or “type: energy-devices-graph” etc

For example. On our Battery page, i like to have the “type: energy-usage-graph” & “type: energy-date-selection” to check on those aspects.

Switching i have “type: energy-devices-detail-graph”

Gas consumption on our heating portal. etc. And plan to add water to another.

Would LOVE for these cards to be able to be customised (separately from the main energy view).

For example You could just have a Solar circle showing gen, house and grid like this mockup.

The Devices tracking list, I’d love this one, because i could add 2 copies of this. And Split the devices over 2 lists. Currently i have found as i have added more devices it now flows off the page so I’m going to have to look at another solution which is a shame as i really like the look. So i could split it a bit like this bad mockup over 2 columns.

Card filters-

Gas having an option in the upper right to view as 30 minute or 1 hour would be good.

Water maybe seconds, minutes, half hours, hours. We get real time water logging so rather than having to make other charts, these would be nice little tweaks.
I would also like the Water consumption

Individual devices - Again this would be nice as its power based anything from seconds, minutes, half hourly, hours

Supporting your original suggestion of making the stock energy cards first-class citizens and making them more configurable.

As for your interest in a real-time flow card, you should take a look at the super slick and very configurable Power Flow Card Plus, though. It’s really excellent and has become the centerpiece of my passive info dashboard.


A couple notes. Those cards are only available in yaml, but they are official cards with official documentation. You can find it here:

It’s true that they lack customisation, I hope that will be expanded. For now only two of them have something to customise (number of devices shown in their graphs).

Important hint from the documentation: if you add the energy date picker to a dashboard, changing the time period in that card will affect all energy cards on that page. But yeah, I would like if there was option to override it and set the period per card.


Thanks :slight_smile: Yea I have looked and used the other power flow card :slight_smile: I was kind of more expanding out that each of the cards would be good to all be configurable as a built in feature as the energy dashboard is already so it kind of makes sense this would be a feature expansion. Rather than relying on multiple integrations for each type.

You are correct, i have the date picker on 1 Dashboard tab but it changes the data on the other dashboard pages :slight_smile: I noticed that quickly and found you had to tap and re-select todays date. Will check out that documentation, but it would be great they get expanded.

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