WTH - EV (electric vehicule) in energy dashboard

In the energy dashboard, today, I’m using Gaz section as I don’t have gaz in house. But I would like to see a EV section or a way to add a big consumer of energy (could be not EV).

Also from now, I have one device representing the consumption of the EV but this not looks great. I can remove it from the view, it’s ok but may be there are possible enhancement possible.

I second this request, however I don’t have the workaround mis-appropriating the Gas, since I’m also (planning to) use Gas.
The EV is a bigger drain than the rest of my house, and it really skews the data, so I would like to keep it separate.
Maybe it should be configurable, as I imagine a heatpump would also warrant being displayed separately. The extremely seaonal load of the heatpump skews the data and makes it difficult to make educated judgements on the energy usage of the rest of the house.

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I’d argue that it would add unnecessary complexity. We already have a section for devices that the ev charger is. There are many other things missing that are potentially more beneficial, such as device chaining, etc. :wink:

I would also support 2 additional electric consumers for readability (EV + HP).
I totally agree, that using “regular” individual devices for both would marginalize the rest of my tracked devices (washing machine, Coffee machine, …)